Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sweet Potato Chips

There is no special significance to these delicious chips that inspired me to use them as the first recipe on this blog, except for the fact that I made them today, and they are absolutely delicious, not to mention ridiculously easy. Go ahead and make them, even if you are cooking for non-dieting folks. They'll never know you slipped them something relatively healthy.

Start with a couple of nicely round, long cylindrical sweet potatoes. Peel them, then slice 'em up into uniform widths:

Take a cookie sheet, give it a spray of Pam, then take out the following spices:

Now here's a trick that I discovered that makes life simple. I sprinkle a bit of salt, black pepper and cinnamon on the tray before I put the potatoes on it. Then I put the potatoes down, like so:

Spray the tops with Pam, another sprinkle of the spices, then stick 'em in the oven at 400 degrees. About 45 minutes later, turn them over, then put them back in for another 45 minutes to an hour, or until they look like this:

If you are saying to yourself "that's not really diet food," the answer is, it depends. Would I advise eating the entire tray? Good heavens no. But a reasonable portion of these will compliment a protein and vegetable, and make you feel like you had a full meal.


Need to Get ME Back said...

Hey there! Welcome to the lil world of blogging :) I just started about 3 weeks ago and it has been so helpful. The encouragement and support is just so nice to have. I look forward to following your blog and progress!

Need to Get ME Back said...

Those look good, I usually cook them in fry form, but I bet this would cook better. You should try butternut squash too, even more healthy than sweet potatoes and they taste very similar.

Gonna Do It said...

Need To Get Me Back: hello! Thank you for stopping by. The reason I started this blog is that I really need the support and encouragement.

I have made these (minus the cinnamon) with butternut squash, but yesterday I happened to make these, so I posted it. It's also delicious to cook the two together.
